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Borough Council

The Borough of Conshohocken is governed by a seven-member Council. The Borough is divided into seven (7) Wards. Each Ward elects (or re-elects) one representative to serve on Borough Council for a four-year term. Municipal elections for Council members are held bi-annually with an alternating four seats and three seats subject to election or re-election. Borough Council members receive a monthly stipend, which is established by ordinance and reflected in the Borough’s budget.  

Council Responsibilities

Per the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Council is charged with the general governance of the Borough of Conshohocken and holds all legislative, executive and administrative powers. Council is responsible for all policy, fiscal and lawmaking decisions and their enforcement. It may enact, revise, repeal, and amend ordinances, resolutions, bylaws, rules and regulations by motion of vote. All powers are exercised by vote of the majority of Council during their public meetings. 

Borough Council Meetings

By law, Council must meet at least once a month to conduct business. Pennsylvania's Sunshine Act requires that Council deliberate and take official actions in an open and public meeting. Public Council meetings are typically held the first and third Wednesday of each month. However, dates may vary or change due to holidays or inclement weather. Council’s official meeting schedule can be found on the Borough’s website by visiting the links below. It is also advertised through the local news.

Public Work Session Meetings

Council Meetings held on the 1st Wednesday of the month are designated Work Session Meetings, in which Council holds discussion and conducts general business that comes before it. During the Work Session Meetings specifically, constituents are encouraged to provide feedback during the public comment section as it pertains to business items on the agenda. 

Public Voting Meetings

Council Meetings held the 3rd Wednesday of the month are designated Voting Meetings, in which Council formally votes on business that was discussed during the Public Work Session Meeting. 

Viewing Borough Council Meetings

All Borough of Conshohocken Borough Council meetings are livestreamed on the Borough’s YouTube channel ( and air live on Conshohocken Borough Government Access Channel (CBGA-TV) on Comcast channel 965 and Verizon channel 20. 

A meeting recording will be available for viewing immediately following the meeting on the Borough’s YouTube channel and nightly starting the Thursday after the meeting at 7 p.m. on the Borough’s Government Access Cable Channels.

Public Comment

There is designated time held for public comment during each Public Council Meeting. Those making a public comment must state their name and address before comment.