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Environmental Advisory Council

The purpose of the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) is to identify environmental problems and recommend plans and programs to Borough Council. The EAC functions to promote the conservation of natural resources, and the protection and improvement of the Borough's environment.

New appointments and re-appointments usually occur in December or January annually. 


  • Meets: 3rd Thursday of each month
  • Time: 7:00 pm
  • Location: Borough Hall or held remotely

All meeting dates, changes and/or cancellations are reflected on the Borough’s website calendar. Meetings are open to the public and interested parties are encouraged to attend. Remote meeting information, including video and audio participation, is advertised on the Borough’s website under News. Those requiring special accommodations for in-person, and/or remote meetings should contact the Borough Administrative Office at 610-828-1092 as soon as possible to make arrangements.


  • Size: 7 Members
  • Term Length: 3 Years 
  • Term Limit: None
Member Term Expires (3-Year Terms)
Domenic Rocco, Chair 12/2027
Timothy Beckel, Vice Chair 12/2026
Justin Claffey 12/2027
Richard Kosich 12/2027
Mia Barbaro 12/2025
Evan Campbell 12/2025
Bob Molony 12/2025

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