EAC Initiatives
The Conshohocken EAC develops and coordinates several initiatives to help promote environmental education and sustainability. Community members are welcome to join the EAC's "Friends of Green Conshy" as non-appointed volunteers. These volunteers help support the EAC with their various projects and goals. Those interested in joining Friends of Green Conshy should contact the EAC directly by emailing greenconshohocken@gmail.com.
Green Business Recognition
The EAC has developed a Green Business Recognition Program, which acknowledges and incentivizes local businesses to incorporate and utilize green, sustainable practices to help reduce waste, pollution and CO2 emissions. We are looking for volunteers to help promote and implement this program to our local businesses.
Green Stormwater
Did you know that stormwater could have negative effects on the environment? Stormwater is untreated water that becomes a problem when it picks up debris, chemicals and other pollutants and then flows back into lakes, rivers and streams, etc. The EAC’s goal is to spread stormwater awareness to the community through educating residents and business owners on best stormwater management practices and how to utilize these practices on their own property. This includes utilizing things like rain barrels, rain gardens, and downspout planters. Learn more Stormwater Management.
Recycling and Clean Up
The EAC organizes two community cleanup events a year. A fall cleanup is held in October on the west side of town, and a spring cleanup is held in March or April on the east side. We welcome and recruit volunteers from the community to help clear trash and recycling debris from the borough’s streets. This initiative also focuses on educating residents on proper trash and recycling methods.
Shade Trees
This initiative involves assessing and maintaining the health of trees already thriving within the borough, as well as evaluating areas that would benefit from planting additional trees, and finding the correct tree to plant there. In addition, we provide guidance and education to the public on how to identify, properly plant, trim and protect our trees from invasive species.
Volunteer Recruitment and Public Relations
The EAC hosts various events and activities throughout the year that sometimes require a helping hand from volunteers. Whether it is handing out informational materials, helping clean up trash within the borough or planting trees, volunteer recruitment and public relations is an important focus because it helps promote and drive all of our other initiatives.