Conshohocken Borough Council will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held remotely using the GoToMeeting platform. The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the Borough’s website by 5:00 pm on Monday, August 2, 2021 and can be found by visiting the link below.
The public is invited to participate as follows:
Video/Audio Participation
Use your computer, tablet or smartphone to join the meeting.
Audio Only Participation
Dial: 1-877-309-2073
Access Code: 490-845-261
The public is asked to please keep their phones on mute at all times, unless giving a public comment as set forth in the Public Comment section below.
Public Comment
There will be a designated time on the agenda for public comment, as per Borough Council’s normal practice. Those with public comment shall state their name and address before comment.
Prior to the start of the meeting, the public may submit written comments by emailing them to brogers@conshohockenpa.gov. Similarly, during the meeting, the public may submit written comments by emailing them to brogers@conshohockenpa.gov. Public comments submitted in this manner will be read by a member of Borough Administration during the public comment period. Because the actual time of the public comment period is determined by the pace of the meeting, please submit all comments as soon as possible, whether before or during the meeting. Written comments shall include the submitting person’s name and address.
The meetings will be recorded and saved to the Borough’s files pursuant to the Borough’s normal practices.
Borough Council and Borough Administration thank you in advance for your cooperation during the remote meeting. It is of the utmost importance to Borough Council that the public be given every available opportunity to participate in the meeting. If you encounter problems participating during the meeting, or have questions regarding the above instructions prior to the meeting, please contact the Borough of Conshohocken at brogers@conshohockenpa.gov.