RFP for Engineering Services for 2023 CDBG Curb Ramp Project
The Borough of Conshohocken, located at 400 Fayette Street, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428, is currently seeking proposals for engineering services to design and assist the Borough in implementing a…
Lenni Electric Corp. RCO Documentation for Green-Light-Go Project
Conshohocken Borough received bids for the Green-Light-Go Project on July 19, 2024. A total of three (3) bids were received. Lenni Electric Corp. was determined to be the lowest responsive…
Notice of Intent to Award Contract for 2024 Liquid Fuels Road Program
The Borough of Conshohocken received a total of four (4) bids for the 2024 Liquid Fuels Road Program. Bids ranged from $869,135.00 to $982,007.00. The apparent low bidder was Scott…
MECO Contractors, Inc. RCO Documentation for the Sutcliffe Park Trail Reconstruction and Stormwater BMPs Project
Conshohocken Borough received bids for the Sutcliffe Park Trail Reconstruction and Stormwater BMPs Project on April 30, 2024. A total of five (5) bids were received; however, one bid was…
RFPs being accepted for a Community Center at the Fel Storage Facility
The Borough of Conshohocken, located at 400 Fayette Street, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428, is seeking proposals from qualified and licensed contractors to provide services that include, but are not…
RFP being accepted for Marketing Services
The Borough of Conshohocken, located at 400 Fayette Street, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428, is seeking proposals proposals from qualified Marketing Managers to provide marketing services for the Borough. RFP…
RFPs being accepted for Community Shuttle Program for Borough of Conshohocken
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proposals are being accepted for the Community Shuttle Program for Conshohocken Borough, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania until August 14, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. via e-mail to…
Borough of Conshohocken accepting bids for 2022 CDBG Curb Ramp Project
The Borough of Conshohocken will receive sealed Bids for the 2022 CDBG Curb Ramp Project. Sealed bids must be submitted online through the PennBid electronic procurement program before 09/27/2023 at…
RFPs being accepted for Labor Counsel for Borough of Conshohocken
Sealed proposals marked “Labor Attorney Services” will be received by the Borough of Conshohocken until Monday, November 20, 2023, at 4:00 PM at the Conshohocken Borough Administration Office, 400 Fayette…
RFP for the reconstruction and expansion of the Sutcliffe Park walking trail
The Borough of Conshohocken, located at 400 Fayette Street, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428, is seeking proposals for design consultation and project implementation assistance for the complete reconstruction and expansion…