Aug 12, 2024
General News
Due to tomorrow morning’s forecasted inclement weather Borough Hall and the Community Center at the Fellowship House will have a delayed opening at 10:00 am on Friday, January 7, 2022. At this time, there will be no other Borough operational changes or service disruptions to trash collection.
Snow Removal Reminders for Residents
- Please use caution while shoveling heavy, deep snow from your property.
- A 3-foot-wide path on the sidewalk must be cleared on your property within 24 hours after the snow has stopped. Don’t forget your crosswalks, handicapped ramps, and alley crossing. The Borough does not plow snow in alleys.
- It is illegal to shovel, throw or plow snow from sidewalks onto street parking, driveways, allies and into the street or right-of way.
- Dumping snow or ice on Borough property or plowing snow across a street is also prohibited.
Safe Shoveling Tips for Seniors
- Shoveling heavy, deep snow may pose serious risks for seniors. Please use caution while shoveling.
- Warm up your muscles and joints before shoveling to help protect against injury or heart attack. Try walking in place or on a treadmill for 5-10 minutes before heading out to shovel.
- Dress appropriately. Use layers to stay warm at the start shoveling and shed layers as necessary to prevent overheating. Wear waterproof/non-skid boots to keep your feet warm and dry and guard against falling on slick snow or ice.
- Use a small shovel. A smaller shovel means lifting smaller amounts of snow, which can help prevent injury.
- Take frequent breaks. Shovel in 20-minute intervals. After 20 minutes, take a break by going inside to warm up and wind down before heading back out to finish shoveling.
- Stay hydrated. Risk of dehydration is possible even in the winter. Drink plenty of water before, during and after shoveling.
- Ask for help. When attempting to clear large, heavy amounts of snow, ask a neighbor for help or hire someone else to shovel snow from your property.