Notice is hereby given that the Conshohocken Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing on July 17, 2023, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at Borough Hall, located at 400 Fayette Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
At this time, the Conshohocken Zoning Hearing Board will hear testimony and accept evidence on the following petitions:
PETITIONER: Richard Dunn
PREMISES INVOLVED: 334 East 7th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428
BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1
The petitioner is seeking a variance from Section 27-1005.F of the Conshohocken Borough Zoning Ordinance to construct an approximately 120 SF to 140 SF roof addition over about a half portion of a rear patio which would result in a maximum building coverage of 38% for the lot, whereas the maximum building coverage shall not exceed 35% of the lot area within the BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1.
PETITIONER: Daniel Russo
PREMISES INVOLVED: 301 West 11th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428
BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1
The petitioner is seeking a Special Exception pursuant to Sections 27-703.E.(6)(a) and a Variance from Section 27-1005.F of the Conshohocken Borough Zoning Ordinance to construct a new 204 SF two (2)-story rear building addition to the existing nonconforming single-family detached dwelling; and where the extension and expansion of the building addition does not comply with the dimensional standards of the district in which the use is located and permitted. The building addition will increase the maximum building coverage of the lot from 44% to 50%, whereas the maximum building coverage shall not exceed 35% of the lot area within the BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1.
PETITIONER: Joseph and Brianna Robinson
PREMISES INVOLVED: 150 West 8th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428
BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1
The petitioner is seeking a variance from Section 27-1007.1 of the Conshohocken Borough Zoning Ordinance to permit a driveway apron and off-street parking area to be located in the front yard of the corner property facing Maple Street whereas off-street parking spaces located between the front wall of the principal structure and the curb of the street toward which that wall is oriented in the BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1 is not permitted.
PETITIONER: Mutual of America Life Insurance Company (MOA)
PREMISES INVOLVED: 46 Fayette Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428
SP-4 – Specially Planned District 4
The petitioner is seeking a Variance from Sections 27-2105.A.(1), 27-2205.3, and 27-2108.1.2 of the Conshohocken Borough Zoning Ordinance to permit a 36 SF animated window display sign facing Fayette Street instead of the previously granted 32 SF animated window display sign in addition to one (1) other business identification sign facing Fayette Street, whereas animated signs are prohibited in the Borough and whereas the required maximum area of a marquee sign, painted wall sign, parallel wall sign or awning shall be 35 SF or 25% of the area of the wall, whichever is less, including windows and cornices to which they are attached.
Interested parties are invited to participate in the hearing. Anyone requiring special accommodations to attend should contact the Conshohocken Borough Administration Office at 610-828-1092 or zoning@conshohockenpa.gov as soon as possible to have arrangements made.