NOTICE is hereby given that the Friends of Conshohocken Parks of the Borough of Conshohocken, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on April 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM via remote means. The meeting will be held using the GoToMeeting platform. The public is invited to participate as set forth below.
- Join the meeting from a computer, tablet or smartphone by using the following link:
This link will also be made available on the Borough’s homepage at: www.conshohockenpa.gov, under the “News & Announcements” section.
If you are new to GoToMeeting, it is recommended that you download the application prior to the meeting by using the following link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/525950773
- Call-in to participate via audio only.
Dial: 1-877-568-4106
Access Code: 525-950-773
If you encounter problems participating during the meeting, or have questions regarding the above prior to the meeting, please contact the Borough at brogers@conshohockenpa.gov.