The Conshohocken Borough Planning Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held remotely using the GoToMeeting platform. The public is encouraged to participate as follows:
Video/Audio Participation
Use your computer, tablet or smartphone to join the meeting here.
Audio only Participation
Dial: 1-866-899-4679
Access Code: 429-061-501
The public is asked to please keep their phones on mute at all times, unless giving a public comment.
At the beginning of the meeting, directions will be given regarding public comment. Prior to the start of the meeting, written comments may be mailed to 400 Fayette Street, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428. The public may also submit written comments before or during the meeting by emailing them to brogers@conshohockenpa.gov.
If you encounter problems participating during the meeting, or have questions regarding the above prior to the meeting, please contact the Borough at brogers@conshohockenpa.gov.