This year marks the 62nd annual National Public Works Week, sponsored by the American Public Works Association. Our Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure, facilities, emergency management, and other services that are of vital importance to the community. Our Public Works personnel oversee maintenance and repairs throughout all Borough-owned facilities; work to preserve the quality of the Borough's parks system by maintaining all landscaping and exterior grounds; provide trash, recycling, yard waste and snow removal services; and oversee street and storm water maintenance throughout the Borough. These essential services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of public works professionals, who work hard each and every day to keep our community safe and functioning.
Please join us in celebrating National Public Works week from May 15, 2022, through May 21, 2022. We urge all citizens to join in activities, events and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our public works professionals and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protect our national health, safety, and quality of life.
You can also show your appreciation by displaying this coloring page in your windows this week!