The Borough of Conshohocken, located at 400 Fayette Street, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428, is seeking proposals for design consultation and project implementation assistance for the complete reconstruction and expansion of the Sutcliffe Park walking trail.
Sutcliffe Park is the largest of Conshohocken’s parks. Park amenities include baseball fields, basketball courts, a tot lot, a fitness court, picnic pavilions, and a paved walking trail, which circumnavigates the perimeter of the park. An interior walk divides the trail into three (3) walking loops. The trail is one of the Park’s most heavily used amenities. Constructed in 1998, portions of the trail have deteriorated due to weather and use.
Copies of the request for proposals are available at Conshohocken Borough Hall located at 400 Fayette Street, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428, and the office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. The RFP is also available on the Borough website and can be viewed at the link below.
RFP for the Reconstruction and Expansion of the Sutcliffe Park Walking Trail
Qualified applicants shall submit in a sealed envelope, one (1) original copy, and one (1) electronic copy via flash drive to:
Borough of Conshohocken
Attn: Christine Stetler, Community Development and Grant Coordinator
400 Fayette Street, Suite 200
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Proposals shall be received no later than 4:00 p.m. February 6, 2023.