The Borough of Conshohocken is partnering with Refresh-A-Can on a pilot program from April through October to provide Borough residents with trash can cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing. The focus for Refresh-A-Can during the six-month pilot program will be the Avenues. The program begins Monday, April 17 on East 12th Avenue.
Refresh-A-Can plans to work their way south through the Borough, cleaning one Avenue per week, following behind the Borough's trash trucks.
They will mirror the Borough's trash pick-up schedule. Refresh-A-Can will be on the East Side of the Borough on Mondays and the West Side of the Borough on Tuesday. If a holiday falls on a Monday or Tuesday, Refresh-A-Can will clean on Wednesday.
To participate in this service, residents need to keep their trash cans out after the Borough collects their trash. Once Refresh-A-Can has serviced a street, they will not be returning.
Refresh-A-Can will only clean trash cans provided by the Borough. Recycling cans and non-Borough trash cans will not be cleaned.
The pilot program will be evaluated later this year. If the program is deemed successful and the service continues in the future, residents who don't receive a cleaning this round will be scheduled for a future date.
If you have questions about this pilot program, please call Shauna Wylesol at (610) 828-1092.