Notice is that the Conshohocken Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing on October 16, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time at Conshohocken Borough Hall, located at 400 Fayette Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428. At this time, the Conshohocken Zoning Hearing Board will hear testimony and accept evidence on the following petitions:
PREMISES INVOLVED: 331 West 7th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428
DISTRICT: BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1
The petitioner is seeking a variance from Section 27-1005.F of the Conshohocken Borough Zoning Ordinance to demolish the existing 144 SF unenclosed porch, deck, and deck stairs located to the rear of the dwelling to construct a new 193.75 SF building addition for an enclosed all-season room on the first floor with balcony on the roof of the building addition, as well as, a new 225 SF deck addition located to the rear of the new building addition. The new building addition will result in a building coverage of 37.67% of the lot area, whereas, a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area is permitted within the BR-1 zoning district.
PETITIONER: Richard S. Mahoney and Gale M. Mahoney
PREMISES INVOLVED: 624 Maple Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428
DISTRICT: BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1
The petitioner is seeking a Special Exception pursuant to Section 27-703.B.(1) of the Conshohocken Borough Zoning Ordinance for a change in use from an existing nonconforming trophies/printing/imprinting commercial business use to another nonconforming private vehicle storage garage use within the BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1.
PREMISES INVOLVED: 5 Colwell Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428
DISTRICT: LI - Limited Industrial District/Research
FP – Floodplain Conservation District
The petitioner is appealing a zoning enforcement notice and seeking a variance from Sections 27-817.H.(2), 27-817.H.(3), 27-1404.9, 27-1714 and 27-1726.1F of the Conshohocken Zoning Ordinance related to outdoor storage of materials and materials that may be transferred off the lot by natural causes or forces within the floodplain conservation overlay district. The petitioner is proposing continuation of an existing nonconforming use under Section 27-701.
The petitioner is also appealing zoning use and occupancy permit denials and is seeking a variance from Sections 27-817.H.(3), §27-1713, and 27-1714.1.A and H of the Conshohocken Zoning Ordinance to permit new contractor storage and office uses, outdoor storage of materials, permanent structures, and utilizing the site as a parking lot for contractor vehicles and equipment within the floodplain whereas such uses are not permitted by right and are prohibited within the overlay floodplain conservation district.
PETITIONER: David P. and Lisa P. McLafferty
PREMISES INVOLVED: 116 West 2nd Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428
DISTRICT: BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1
The petitioner is appealing a zoning enforcement notice and is seeking a variance from Sections §27-830 and §27-805.B of the Conshohocken Borough Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of new deck and stairs attached to the second floor of an accessory two-story garage building which is not a dwelling and to permit the new deck to project completely into the side yard setback area from the second floor of the accessory two-story garage building; whereas, decks are required to be attached to a dwelling and may not extend above the level of the first floor of the building, and decks may not extend into the required side yard setback by more than 50% of the required 5 feet depth or width of the side yard within the BR-1 zoning district.
Interested parties are invited to participate in the hearing. Anyone requiring special accommodations to attend should contact the Conshohocken Borough Administration Office at 610-828-1092 or zoning@conshohockenpa.gov as soon as possible to have arrangements made.